Publications & Talks
- Telephone Surveys Meet Conversational AI: Evaluating a LLM-Based Telephone Survey System at Scale. Lang, M. M., Eskenazi, S., Accepted at 80th Annual AAPOR Conference 2025
- Protocol for 'Clinical outcomes associated with schistosome infection and alcohol use: a systematic scoping review' , Lyne, B., Lang, M. M., Lewingtion, S., Chami, G. F.
- Protocol for 'Shared Risk Factors for Malaria and Schistosoma Co-Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', Lang, M. M., Lyne, B., Donnelly, C. A., Chami, G. F.
- AI Conversational Interviewing: Transforming Surveys with LLMs as Adaptive Interviewers. Wuttke, A., Aßenmacher, M., Klamm, C., Lang, M. M., Würschinger, Q., & Kreuter, F., Accepted at 80th Annual AAPOR Conference 2025 & NAACL LaTeCH-CLfL2025
- Pytector. Lang, M. M. A Python package for detecting prompt injection in text inputs using state-of-the-art transformer models.
- Financial Times Chart Doctor Visual Vocabulary in German. Lang, M. M., & Smith.
- Time Series Analysis of Climatological and Hydrological Low Water Drivers in Bavaria - Climex II. Hobelsberger, C., Kleinlein, L., Lang, M. M., Meier, T., Paschan, N., Schernich, J., Böhnisch, A., Sasse, A., Funk, H., & Küchenhoff, H. Accepted at IWSM Dortmund 2023.
- Transforming Surveys with AI Conversational Interviewing, University of Zurich, Digital Society Initiative
- Using Chatbots as Interviewers, New Directions: Bridging Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Survey Research at SurvAI-Day, University of Maryland
- Featured: IASS Webinar 42: Leveraging AI for Survey Research by Frauke Kreuter
- Analysis of Climatological Drivers of Low-Flow Events in Hydrological Bavaria, Turing Institue ECR Connect 2023, Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London
- Goodbye, Endless Feedback Forms. Hello, SurveyGPT!, OxAI Conference, 2023
My research is graciously funded by the Department of Population Health, University of Oxford.